Protect your digital world 24/7!

Stay safer online with the leading VPN service. Detect malware during download. Block trackers and intrusive ads.

Security features you can trust

Protect yourself online every day, wherever you are. Securely access apps, websites, and entertainment.


Hendrik Morella

Browse the internet safely, but most importantly, freely. A VPN is one of those things that are just good to have. I recommend Otableau.

Carryn Zenith

Otableau is a very good VPN, they’re very highly regarded in the industry

Threat Protection

Threat Protection is a security solution designed to defend you from everyday online cyber threats, like malware and trackers. It scans your files while you’re downloading them, identifies threats, and blocks them before they can harm your device.

Anti-malware protection

IT security threats are everywhere, but scheduled malware scans offered by antiviruses aren’t always enough. Respond quickly to sophisticated threats  Threat Protection. It automatically blocks malicious websites and scans the files you download for malware. 

Protect all of your devices

Do you use Windows at work, macOS at home, and Linux for your special projects? You’ll enjoy online privacy and security on every platform. 


Do you use Windows at work, macOS at home, and Linux for your special projects? You’ll enjoy online privacy and security on every platform. 

1 month


3 months


6 months


12 month
